Webflow Cost - how is the price made up?

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Webflow is a CMS that is suitable for a wide range of applications. The running costs are made up of various components, which we explain in this article.

The different plans at Webflow and their costs

Webflow has a somewhat complicated system of workspace plans, site plans and additional bookable modules.

Webflow Cost Structure

Workspaces form the upper shell of all pages (=sites) in the Webflow hierarchy. This means that a page cannot exist without a workspace. At the same time, there can be several pages in a workspace. The workspace level was created so that teams can better manage and maintain several pages within an organization together.

It is important to note that both a workspace and each page that is published require a specific plan. When a new account is created, a free workspace plan is automatically created, but this does not enable collaboration with multiple users and is therefore only suitable for single users.

Workspace plans and their running costs

Let's first take a look at the various workspace plans.

Webflow Workspace Plans - Status: 22.01.2024

These differ mainly in the different number of users and the application of different user rights. In our daily work, the differentiation in user rights between "Designer" and "Editor" is very important, so that non-specialist users can only be given "Editor" rights and can therefore change texts and images, but do not run the risk of "breaking" anything on the site. This is possible from the "Core" plan onwards and can be extended by further differentiation according to "Publishing" rights in the "Growth" plan.

At the same time, the staging functionality is very important, so that pages do not have to be published directly to the production domain during development, but can be published on a separate staging domain in order to carry out testing there, for example. This is only really possible from the "Core" plan onwards, as in the "Free" plan only 2 subpages per website can be published in Staging, which most sites will exceed simply due to the number of legally required pages (legal notice, data protection, etc.)

It should also be mentioned that from the "Core" plan onwards, guests can be invited to a workspace for which no separate user needs to be created. This means that freelancers or a Webflow Agency can simply be invited via the guest function and work together on the pages.

Conclusion - Selection of the right workspace plan: 

For professional use, the plans from "Core" onwards are suitable, as the "Free" plan does not cover all the necessary functionalities and should therefore only be used for hobby use.

Whether "Core" or "Growth" should be selected depends mainly on the number of different users who will end up using Webflow. If this is limited to a maximum of 3 different users, then the "Core" plan is sufficient. If there are several users, the "Growth" plan should be selected.

The "Enterprise" plan offers maximum adaptability, but the monthly costs can quickly run into the hundreds of euros. As a rule, such a plan is only suitable for very large teams (> 20 employees who regularly use Webflow) that have very high demands in terms of collaboration and differentiation of user rights. The website plays a central role in these companies and the company usually generates an 8-digit annual turnover.

Site Plans and their running costs

As already mentioned, the workspace costs do not stop there, but each website (=site) within a workspace requires a so-called site plan, which covers the hosting of the website.

Webflow Site Plans - Status 22.01.2024

Here, too, there is a free plan, three paid plans and an enterprise plan. As with the Workspace plan, the "Free" plan is only intended for hobby use, as it does not allow a "Custom Domain". This means that a website can only be published under a (...).webflow.io domain. A custom domain cannot be used, which makes this plan irrelevant for professional use.

The "Basic", "CMS" and "Business" plans differ primarily in the number of possible form submissions (= form entries from website visitors), the use of CMS functionality and the number of CMS entries. Although there are also differences in the possible maximum amount of traffic, the maximum limits generally play a subordinate role in reality.

The CMS functionality is one of the core functions of Webflow, as it enables users to generate specific page content or even entire pages by creating CMS entries in a database. The content is then automatically assembled into a "real" page by Webflow based on previously defined layouts and logics and is a great added value in the use of product, blog or job pages in particular. However, content such as names and images on a team page can also be adapted very easily. In theory, there are no limits to the applications and therefore not using the CMS functionality severely limits the advantages of Webflow. The "Basic" plan should therefore only be selected if the site is very small and does not need to be regularly updated and maintained.

Whether the "CMS" or the "Business" plan is more worthwhile in the next step depends on how many elements you want to create variably on the website via a CMS. For most use cases, however, the "CMS" plan is sufficient and the "Enterprise" plan, as with the Site Plans, is only a small step in terms of functionality, but a big one in terms of price.

What should be emphasized, however, is that in the "Enterprise" plan, extended support from Webflow can also be requested, which can operationally fix bugs on a site. The "Enterprise" plan can again cost several hundred euros per month, so this plan only really makes sense for very large companies.

Additional costs of Webflow

It should be mentioned here that - if you use Webflow for eCommerce, for example - there are additional costs. However, as this is still very rare, we will not go into more detail here.

The localization function released at the end of 2023 also has its own paid plans. This feature makes it easy to customize websites in different languages. The plans range from $9 (up to 3 languages) to $29 USD per month (up to 5 languages). Of course, there is also an "Enterprise" plan. The function can be booked per website in a workspace.

Webflow Cost - real life examples

Example 1: 

A local company that runs a sports facility with 2,000 international members has a website in Webflow. The marketing team that runs the site consists of 2 people. A Webflow agency provides support in setting up and maintaining the website.

Workspace Plan: $19 per month within the “Core” plan
Site Plan: $23 per month within the “CMS” plan
Localization Plan: $9 per month within the “Essential” plan
Total: $51 per month (with yearly billing)

Example 2: 

A B2C company with several locations in Germany operates a website with various service offers, a guidebook, dedicated SEO pages and has a marketing team, of which around 4 different people maintain the website with content. A Webflow agency supports the maintenance and further expansion of the website.

Workspace Plan: $19 per month within the “Core” plan
Site Plan: $39 per month within the “Business” plan
Total: $58 per month (with yearly billing)

Example 3: 

A large medium-sized company, which has both German and European customers and sells software products, maintains several versions of a website for different target markets of the company via Webflow. The marketing team consists of 20 people with different levels of knowledge who fill the website with content. A Webflow agency as well as a freelancer support the maintenance of the website.

Workspace Plan: $49 per month within the “Growth” plan
Site Plan: $39 per month within the “Business” plan
Localization Plan: $29 per month within the “Advanced” plan
Total: $117 per month (with yearly billing)

As you can see, pricing is highly dependent on the individual requirements of a company. Feel free to contact us so that we can find out together which combination of plans best suits your requirements.

35 + Jahre

Growth Erfahrung

Source: www.webflow.com

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Lucas Bast

Founder & CMO

Lucas ist ein erfahrener Marketing Experte, der vor altitude mehrere Chief Marketing Officer bzw. Director of Marketing Positionen bekleidet hat. Er war u.a. tätig für Unternehmen wie Auto1 Group, DrSmile und Bloomy Days. Seine Expertise liegt in der Verbindung von daten-getriebenem Marketing und der strategischen Marken-Ausrichtung.

Lucas Bast